Monday, March 17, 2008

Monsters under your bed?

Since I've added a bit about Elly lately, I thought that I would offer up some advice from Nathan. I went to tuck him in after switching Elly's laundry (see post below)tonight and he had neatly arranged most of his stuffed animals at the top of his pillows....and underneath...was his nerf dart gun with one dart. I was wondering why, so I asked.....he politely told me that he would be ready for anything in the middle of the night!! So mom, you have Gracie (our dog) who sleeps next to your bed and she will protect you. Then we PRAYED! From a muddy little girl to a bed full of spectators my night hasn't been complete until Cody has walked in after work and awakens me to let me know he is safe and home. So, if you think you have monsters under your bed, best get a dog or maybe borrow some of Nathan's stuffed animals, but better be looking for you own dart gun...I don't think that Nathan will share that!!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hey Hummel family, Shelly told me you have a blog and she added it to ours. What a great way to stay in touch. Your kids are growing a lot! having all teens is something to look forward to:) Great to see some pics. now all you have to do is get the rest of you in a few still shots and we are good to go.
take care, Scott